how to play QWOP

Hello there, my name is Micallandjello and I will tell you about my observations on this LOVELY game here. I was trying to the game "Getting Over It" which was created by the same game creator as this game "QWOP". The link above will take you directly to the game "QWOP". I could not find the "Getting Over It" game, but I will do that later.

Now, let's talk about the instructions of "QWOP". You will need to use your keyboard. The letters Q and W will control your thighs, and the letters O and P will control your calves. The goal is to control your character to run 100 meters. Below are the following observations I made.

Q raises the right leg
W raises the left leg forward
P contracts the right leg
O contracts the left leg

When you first start the game and restart the game, your character will be leaning forward with his left leg forward. Yes I assumed his gender, get triggered in the middle of a busy New York Subway during lunchtime lol.

I kept testing my observations and I found a formula to move. It is "W-O-P-Q". The farthest I made it with this formula is 2.3 meters.

I found another solution which is holding WO and then holding QP and switching the pair of keys back and forth. The farthest I made it was 4.3 meters, but you sissies should at least get 10 meters on the first try.

- Micallandjello on instagram
